联系人:胡娴 ()
公司地址:中国 浙江 杭州市 登云路428号时代电子1B111
我们的产品应用在: MP3和MPEDG-4播放机,数码相机,彩电,电脑,通讯产品,DVD播放机,音响系统,电源,便携式媒体播放器,其他多媒体音频,LED。 公司秉承“创新、求实、诚信、卓越”的经营理念,以强劲的实力和良好的产品信誉,赢得了业内的广泛认可与国内外客户的信赖。我们将“重视信用,务实求际,以图稳步发展”作为发展的战略方针,务求在快速交货和质量上满足客户的需求,希望永远与您共谋发展,携手共进,为科技的发展和电子行业的繁荣做出应有的贡献! Our products are applied to: MP3 and MPED-4 players,Digitial cameras,TVs,Computers,Telecom products,DVD players,Hi-fi system,Power suppliers,Portable media players,other multimedia audio items,LED. The company succeeds to Innovation ,Materialism,Credit and better standing for product to obtain massive recognition in the same industry and trust from customers at home and abroad.We will regard Focus Credit,Materialistically Practical and Struggle for Stable Development as strategic development guideline,and seeks for meeting demand for customer interms with prompt